
Paid Advertising

Paid Media, Pay Per Click (PPC), online advertising, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are among the names given to any online paid advertisement. It is one of the most effective way to put a relevant product to people who are interested in it.

Google ads for holiday season

Your Comprehensive Google Ads End-of-Year Holiday Campaign Checklist for E-commerce Success

The holiday season is a pivotal time for e-commerce businesses, and a well-structured Google Ads campaign can make all the difference. To ensure your end-of-year holiday campaign on Google Ads is a roaring success, we’ve created a specialized checklist focusing on Shopping Ads and Video Ads. Let’s dive in!

Your Comprehensive Google Ads End-of-Year Holiday Campaign Checklist for E-commerce Success Read More »

internet marketing

What You Should Know About Internet Marketing

As a business owner, you probably know how much it costs to hire a salesperson or to have your shop operates 24/7. Imagine how much more opportunities you could capture, just by that.

What if you can have a shop that opens 24/7?

What if you can have a “salesperson” that say exactly what you want them to say?

In this article, we’ll learn how to do that without breaking the bank – Internet Marketing or commonly known as digital marketing. 

What You Should Know About Internet Marketing Read More »

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